This is a Journal entry by Shirps
My Proudest Day
Shirps Started conversation Feb 17, 2005
16 Feb 2005
It REALLY was! We drove to my daughter & her husband on Tuesday - stayed the night - got up at 6.30am the following day (temp was -3C ). They hired a car as their old one has nearly croaked
Then we drove to Bristol University. There she was officially awarded her Doctorate of Philosophy. She looked great dressed in a scarlet gown with dark violet in the facings, sleeves & hood linings. No cap or hat though - apparently this uni. doesn't have those as part of their ceremonial garb for doctorates.
The Chancellor of the Uni. was a diminutive woman (The Rt. Hon. The Baroness Hale of Richmond) - obviously small in stature, but large on intellect
Liz said she was really nervous & , but when the Chancellor's hands enclosed hers, then she really smiled - I reckon it had all come to a head &, at last, Liz was happy
We drove to Cirencester for a quick lunch & then back home - all feeling happy &
To those of you that have already got great qualifications - can you remember the feeling? To those whose children have managed to get them - can you remember the great feeling of pride? Finally to those of you who haven't, like myself, do you feel thankful that some are able to get them & go on to improve our lives, but at the same time realise that WE have completely different qualifications that are equally valuable in their own way - life experience
I have written this in my journal here as I never want to forget the years of encouragement I gave her, support, etc. Her father & I split when she was 9 months old, her father never contacted her again from the age of 4. It has been just the two of us until she was 16&half & I had to give up work when she was just 11 - so finances were very tight. I moved to buy a house for us so mortgage & bills were around
Liz had her thyroid gland removed half way through her GCSE's (she was 15) & has a stutter (like myself). The teachers at her school tried to dissuade her from taking 4 A-levels, but she ignored them and gained the first A grade in Biology at that school & passed Chemistry, Physics & Maths at B grade. She did alot of study away from school, once she found the syllabus.
She worked at a supermarket during all uni holidays & didn't get into alot of debt. She gained a 1st class degree from Uni. and went onto to do a Phd in vaccine research. All in all, she worked extremely hard and I REALLY hope she reaps some benefit from it all for herself.
By the by - she isn't what is termed a "swot" either - can drink with the best of them (just like her ma)
My Proudest Day
kif Posted Feb 18, 2005
Shirps My Dear
I am so happy for you and you daughter. I know how wonderful it is when our children 'come good' My two lads were teenage terrors. Falling through the door at three in the morning, smuggling girls to their rooms, skipping college etc etc. But they both came good in the end and we are so proud of what they achieved. The Lost Boy has a permanent testimony to his skills in Penzance, he painted the exterior of Egyptian House as part of his final year at college.
As well as being proud of your lovely daughter you should be very proud of yourself for all you have done for her. I know the accepted thought is that parents just naturally do their best for their children, but the fact is that many don't( mine didn't).
The Boss and I are very fond of Cirencester, we stay in the Cotswolds quite often and visit Cirencester. I stayed there for a year when I was a child, we lived above a shop in Cricklade Street.. My paternal family originated in Buscot not Cornwall and many are buried in the church yard there.
I have just started a degree course with the open university having done an openers course last year. Maybe I will get a cap and gown one day
My Proudest Day
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Feb 22, 2005
My dear shirps,
How nice to meet you!!. and congratulations on your lovely daughter's achievement. Ph. D in Pilosophy. wonderful effort.
And congratulations to you as well. I have just met you on Pan's thread, and loved reading about everything that you have done. And now, I see that kat is also a fellow traveller!!.
I have just been invited to join two research groups. This has been a wonderful fillip to my self confidence and also ego!!. After having been so involved in South Africa to come here and find myself literally "cast aside" because of my age has been depressing to say the least. I am now busily campaigning for the better treatment of the mentally ill, and preparing interview schedules, doing a lot of reading and also in between trying to finish a tome I have been trying to finish on a wonderful Methodist Minister who went to South Africa in 1815!!
I remember my graduation with great pleasure. I went to University when I was 44 and my first degree was a great thrill,
so thank you for reminding me of that!.
And well done to your whole family. You must be very proud of their efforts - and obviously of your own.
Kind affectionate regards
Also Ran1
My Proudest Day
MoFoLo Posted Feb 26, 2005
I read your journal entry and I am so happy for you. It took an amazing
mother to raise an amazing
daughter like yours.
You should journalize your kitchen. This way any frustration can be taken out on the keyboard and if something really makes you angry
then you hit the caps lock AND REALLY POUND ON THOSE KEYS!
as always
My Proudest Day
Shirps Posted Feb 27, 2005
Thank you for your compliments
Neither my daughter, nor myself are perfect though - far from it I fear
I've just spent the past couple of hours - whilst watching "100 best cartoons" on TV - updating my journal for the past week & a bit - do have a read of all - hope it entertains you
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My Proudest Day
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