This is a Journal entry by sleepydawg

Me, TV and Sport.

Post 1


Rains' pouring down outside, as I daresay is over a lot of the UK today. Looking at the web and trying to Clean up my Pages in here, Kenny Rodgers is "Live" on Ken Bruces' show (11.25am) -wow, he makes ME feel old (lol).

Last night (on BBC2) saw the first of the New "Torchwood" series. It's a good spin-off from The Doctors series, but I hope the Torchwood stories become more Original -as last nights second episode was (a bit of) a rip off from an old(ish) Sci-Fi Movie.

Well. Must finish my h2g2 housework and do a Job-search on the Web, I do need to get some work.

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Me, TV and Sport.

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