This is a Journal entry by Patriarch

The Grey City

Post 1


Don't get me wrong, I like cities. I wouldn't live anywhere else. Cities allow you to work hard and play hard. They have shops and clubs and pubs, and thousands of new people to meet.
But cities are also full of noise and pollution, choked by crime and poverty. They are stifling in the summer and dperessing in the winter. I have not left a city for almost two years now, and it starts to wear a bit. I am sick of the place, the grey squalor of the streets, the insipid rain and angry people. I am tired of the forced rapidity of life we must all endure.
I am going to escape. Not yet, not for a while, not until I have finished what I have to here. But I am getting out, far away, to the mountains and the pure air. To see a horizon that is not clouded in pollution. That is where I will go.
I am fooling myself to believe it will be forever. Before two weeks are out, I will be back. I know this. It does not matter. This place will look beautiful to me again when I return.

The Grey City

Post 2


You live in Aberdeen then ? smiley - smiley

BCNU - Crescent

The Grey City

Post 3


Good guess, but not quite! I'm in Birmingham, which is probably even worse...

The Grey City

Post 4


I've been to both (and used to live in Coventry and Warwick) so I am afraid you are correct - but at least it isn't Walsall smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

The Grey City

Post 5


Never been there. What's it like?
As far as cities go, you can't get much worse than Oxford. Full of tourists, students, buses. So polluted you can't breath, so crowded you can't walk down the streets. But it's also so bloody small you can't find a) A decent club b) A bar that's open after 11.

The Grey City

Post 6


Here in Manchester there's plenty to do, but living on Europe's (allegedly) busiest bus route takes its toll. A couple of weeks ago, it was the last day of term before Easter. It was a surprisingly warm day so us students were out in force, drinking outside the pubs during the afternoon. Unfortunately I found myself sitting on a wall facing a very busy and polluted street with buses rushing past. I suddenly realised that I was fed up of living in a city, and have really enjoyed my Easter break, walking through the bits of countryside around my home village.

The Grey City

Post 7


I must admit I am a country gadgee at heart, and every now and then I just need to get up high. Out of the smell of organic solvents, hmmmmm organic solvents - I can feel them dissolving my neurons cell membrane as I speak -, and soot and all the other pollutants poured from automobiles everyday smiley - smiley Until later....
BCNU - Crescent

The Grey City

Post 8


Just spent 3 days in Wales. climbing Cader Idris and vaious other wonderful mountains. I feel better now! smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

The Grey City

Post 9


You lucky bassa smiley - smiley It will be june/july before I can get out and about smiley - sadface Though Etive Mohr looks like it will be lots of fun smiley - smiley So what was it like? Until later....
BCNU - Crescent

The Grey City

Post 10


Great! I could see as far as Ireland from the top. It's usually a bit misty on top of Cader, even in the summer, I've never seen it that clear before...
Currently planning a suicidal march through the mountains of North Snowdonia to do this summer... Until then, better get back to city-type work stuff.

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