This is a Journal entry by Tasterainbows (O+ ): Totally Back and Totally Swamped, Leave a message after the beep.... BEEEEEEEEEEEP

Sometimes I Just Can't Explain...

Post 1

Tasterainbows (O+ ): Totally Back and Totally Swamped, Leave a message after the beep.... BEEEEEEEEEEEP

Well, I seem to still be here on hootoo for the moment... smiley - biggrin

Posted this on LJ, but lotsa people can't read that... so I direct them here...

~independence day~
ani difranco

we drove the car to the top of the parking ramp
on the 4th of july
we sat out on the hood with a couple of warm beers and watched the fireworks
explode in the sky
and there was an exodus of birds from the trees
but they didnt know, we were only pretending
and the people all looked up and looked pleased
and the birds flew around like the whole world was ending
and i don't think war is noble
and i don't like to think that love is like war
but i got a big hot cherry bomb, and i want to slip it through the mail slot
of your front door

you can't leave me here
i've got your back now
you'd better have mine
cause you say the coast is clear
but you say that all the time

so many sheep i quit counting
sleepless and embarrassed about the way that i feel
trying to make mole hills out of mountains
building base camp at the bottom of a really big deal
and did i tell you how i stopped eating?
when you stopped calling me
and i was cramped up sh***ing rivers for weeks
and pretending that i was finally free

and you can't leave me here
now that your back
you'd better stay this time
cause you say the coast is clear
but you say that all the time

we drove the car to the top of the parking ramp,
on the 4th of july
and i planted my dusty boots on the bumper and sat out on the hood,
and looked up at the sky

~asking too much~
ani difranco

i want somebody who sees the pointlessness
and still keeps their purpose in mind
i want somebody who has a tortured soul
some of the time
i want somebody who will either put out for me
or put me out of misery
or maybe just put it all to words
and make me go, you know
i never heard it put that way
make me say, what did you just say?

i want somebody who can hold my interest
hold it and never let it go
someone who can flatten me with a kiss
that hits like a fist
or a sentence, that stops me like a brick wall
if you hear me talking
listen to what i'm not saying
if you hear me playing guitar
listen to what i'm not playing
and don't ask me to put words
to all the silences i wrote
don't ask me to put words
to all the spaces between notes
in fact if you have to ask, forget it
do and you'll regret it
i'm tired of being the interesting one
i'm tired of having fun for two
just lay yourself on the line
and i might lay myself down by you
but don't sit behind your eyes
and wait for me to surprise you
i want somebody who can make me
scream until it's funny
give me a run for my money
i want someone who can
twist me up in knots
tell me, for the woman who has everything
what have you got?
i want someone who's not afraid of me
or anyone else
in other words i want someone
who's not afraid of themself

do you think i'm asking too much?

Sometimes I Just Can't Explain...

Post 2

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(


People are gonna start thinking I've taken over you, what with posting whole songs in journals and all.smiley - winkeye

Tas, are you ok?

I couldn't find your email addy, so give me a buzz, ok: [email protected]

Sometimes I Just Can't Explain...

Post 3

Tasterainbows (O+ ): Totally Back and Totally Swamped, Leave a message after the beep.... BEEEEEEEEEEEP

smiley - laugh At least if they think you've taken over, they cannot blame it on me...

I'll email you directly!

Sometimes I Just Can't Explain...

Post 4


what is LJ??

Sometimes I Just Can't Explain...

Post 5

Tasterainbows (O+ ): Totally Back and Totally Swamped, Leave a message after the beep.... BEEEEEEEEEEEP


Sometimes I Just Can't Explain...

Post 6


smiley - bigeyes Not a LIVEJOURNAL?? *gasps*


...what is a LIVEjournal??

Sometimes I Just Can't Explain...

Post 7

Tasterainbows (O+ ): Totally Back and Totally Swamped, Leave a message after the beep.... BEEEEEEEEEEEP

A blogging system. will answer all of your questions! smiley - winkeye

Sometimes I Just Can't Explain...

Post 8


Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG Tooo much BLOG

Sometimes I Just Can't Explain...

Post 9

Tasterainbows (O+ ): Totally Back and Totally Swamped, Leave a message after the beep.... BEEEEEEEEEEEP

smiley - bigeyes

Sometimes I Just Can't Explain...

Post 10


smiley - evilgrin

Sometimes I Just Can't Explain...

Post 11

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

Sorry...This got lost in the blog and BL just added to it...smiley - groan

I don't think you're asking too much at all.
smiley - cuddle

Sometimes I Just Can't Explain...

Post 12

Tasterainbows (O+ ): Totally Back and Totally Swamped, Leave a message after the beep.... BEEEEEEEEEEEP

Because you are wonderful. smiley - smooch

Sometimes I Just Can't Explain...

Post 13

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

smiley - cuddle
Not NEARLY as wonderful as you, love...
smiley - smooch

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