This is a Journal entry by Mr Wizard

Just thinking

Post 1

Mr Wizard

Just to start out I AM NOT A GOOD SPELLER
I am a avid cook (which means I love food) and a chef (which means I make a living by cooking) these are not one and the same. None the less I am considering that my part of the guide will pertain to the concept of food. Not recipes (though they are welcome) but more as to what food, eating, family meals, etc. mean to us. Can you remember your first TBO (Taste Bud Orgasam)? What was it? I can't believe it was a sardine but maybe. I remember my first sardine. I was about 6 and some friend of a friends father thought he would gross me out by getting me to eat one. He was quite suprized when I asked for more. Not a TBO but not bad. There isn't much I really don't like except apple beer. I thought it was great when I was 12 until I drank about 5 quarts of the stuff on a very hot day. I became a very sick 12 year old and now if was to even smell it, we don't want to go there. As a matter of fact do they even sell that $#^&& anymore?

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