This is a Journal entry by Crazy Man


Post 1

Crazy Man

Some people have said I should write a new journal entry. So, back by popular demand, here I go:

I (and a team of other people) have been working on a mod for Unreal Tournament 2003. Details later when I feel like writing more, however, we're entering it into a contest , and if we win, we get a license to use the Unreal Engine, allowing us to go ahead and produce it further into its own game, which we can sell. smiley - smiley

Classes seem alright. Meh, next year will be when these classes get really more interesting.

More later. Just feel very lazy, and I have 3 tests in the next week or so smiley - yikes


Post 2

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

YAY!!!! A new journal entry!!!! smiley - smiley

... you could have livened it up with some lies, though... battling dinos with Xena in New Zealand or something... five months and no journal entry, come on...

You're not selling any movie deal or biography with computer programming and just glazing over freshmen college classes. Well, maybe. smiley - tongueout

How about rewriting it with more detail about this little game-creation contest. How long has it been going on!?? Is it national!?? Who can you quote!?? What is REALLY at stake!?? Are there live alligators involved!?? Will you bribe the judges, or have you all ready, and how!?? Any rivalry among your team members!??

Oh and the title!?? "Meh"!?? "MEH"!??? No one's going to want to read something called MEH except your best friends!!! This is the internet... reach your audience... and your audience is demanding, so... let's see... "Battling dinos with Xena in New Zealand" would be a better title.

You could talk about making your own armor from stegosaurus plates in the hot Kiwi summer. You could allude to how you KNOW that Xena is not a lesbian in spite of the rumors about her and Gabrielle. And she's just bi, and you were privy to that, too... smiley - winkeye

Oh but maybe you don't want to mention that. I know they're fictional, but still. No matter how tough your stegosaurus armor is, a gentlemen isn't supposed to tell. Well, not on h2g2 anyway.

(is a lady allowed to tell, then!?? Hermmm...)

Sheesh. Next time at least mention the weather and any trips to the grocery store and the last time you cleaned the bathroom. smiley - tongueout

smiley - hug

I just love to give you hell. smiley - tongueout


Post 3

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Please don't give my housemate (hel) away. She'll be very upsetsmiley - erm


Post 4

Crazy Man

smiley - laugh


Post 5

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

...You have a housemate named Hel!?? Oh... short for Helen!??

Someone at my school, a professor, is named Helle [lastname].


Post 6

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Yeah, it's a Helensmiley - smiley She has fiery red hair, which is coolsmiley - smiley


Post 7

Crazy Man

smiley - cool


Post 8

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Redheads are nothing but trouble!!!!

There was a Helen who worked in the bakery... I think she still does... she moved here from Texas for some man who.... three years after her move, had still not filed for a divorce from his wife!!!

Pretty sad state of events...

She has three grandkids in Texas, and keeps saying she's going to move back. I STILL don't think it has happened.

That guy's a smiley - bleephole. She moved here all at her expense, as well.

And he has a fantastic new sports car while she's left with next to nothing and... ::sigh::

smiley - sadface Why do people let themselves get hurt so much!?? smiley - sadface


Post 9

Crazy Man

smiley - hug


Post 10

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug


Post 11

Crazy Man

smiley - smiley


Post 12

Crazy Man


Post 13

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

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