This is a Journal entry by Thursday

It's Blob Time!

Post 1

Thursday The Campaign has been submitted for a blob, so keep the conversations active and they might give us one...

It's Blob Time!

Post 2


smiley - wow

It's Blob Time!

Post 3


You are cordially invited to post at

It's Blob Time!

Post 4

What_is_life? v3.01 [RCHD] Through the Star Gate

if they don't give us one i'll shove a kiwi spoon up....

wait we're family friendly. Damn

It's Blob Time!

Post 5


We're not *always* friendly... smiley - evilgrin

It's Blob Time!

Post 6

What_is_life? v3.01 [RCHD] Through the Star Gate


It's Blob Time!

Post 7


"Due to a lack of resources, this project has been temporarily suspended. We hope to be able to reopen it very soon.

We apologise for the inconvenience."

Well that's a bit of a kick in the kiwis...

It's Blob Time!

Post 8


i can make sort of graphics - i just can't upload them

It's Blob Time!

Post 9


I think it was Supermoo who did the 'how to draw a bird' thing and produced a blip version of it - perhaps with a guideML converter smiley - erm

It's Blob Time!

Post 10


is he wiv us?

It's Blob Time!

Post 11


Technically no...

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