This is a Journal entry by Barquing


Post 1


Well well well, was it really so long ago since that squid appeared on this page and I promised more soon. It's all got a little dusty. Iam suitably ashamed and chastised. Still time though, I'm sure, to add to it...


Post 2


Well, I apologise for chastising you unfairly, B... Congrats on getting your finger out of your behind.

Let me say a few positive things on your long wet slimy thing..

and the squid.

Ho HO!


I like the way you've toyed with the viewers perception of the squid. You're making a statement. The squid has many levels of meaning. On the one hand, the top squid is facing the opposite direction to the bottom squid. Some (let us call them "art-participants") may think this suggests that one squid is swimming in one direction, the other in the other direction. Some may consider it symbolic of the eternal ecolocigal struggle which squid and other sea-dwellers have to endure. They are fighting to survive. Perhaps the only way TO survive is to spread apart.

A Squid produces ink. Artists use ink in their work. hmmm.. yes.. interesting...

The use of colours is also intriguing. Does the fact that one squid is the negative image of the other have a deeper significance? If you superimpose the two pictures (having flipped one on the vertical axis beforehand) they will cancel out. Is the Squid destroying itself? Or is human intervention (the artist interfering with the colour of one creature to cause this very calamity!!) the true reason for the obliteration of this and many other species? We can but ponder the true asthetic of the squid.

bravo. and a 20thou quid check to a future turner prize winner..


Post 3


It's only a squid...

and if you think I've wasted a lot of time on this page, you should see what I'm trying to do at ... or then again...


Post 4


As the little aliens in Toy Story have been known to say..


"Only a Squid"

Post 5


Sez - you have WAY too much time on your hands. Still very funny though.

Barquing - any chance of getting the Squid chair in there? Sezzy's place could really use one of those...

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