This is a Journal entry by Arthur Dent

The weary traveller returns

Post 1

Arthur Dent

Well, it has been a while now has it not?
It's nearly 3 years since I posted here and nearly 5 years since I discovered this site.
Back then I was living in the twilight world, not seeing much of the daytime, spending most of my time at the pub and generally working far too much.
Since then I have become less rich less old (in an oddly depressing way)
I've moved around the country gathering lots and lots of completely usless information and generall wishing I was not quite exactly here.
You can take whatever you want from that last statement.
So, what can you expect of me now?
More of less things and a lot less of the more things that I have yet to do in a stylishly slow and painstakingly long winded way.

Heres to the next 5 years of nothingness.

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The weary traveller returns

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