This is a Journal entry by AGE


Post 1


Time always passes slowly when you are waiting for something and really looking forward too it. Obviously the reverse is true if you are not looking forward to something smiley - fish !
At this moment in time I am waiting to goto a lecture (which is soon) but that is not what i am looking forward too, quite the opposite in fact as it is boring and 2hours long. I am studying Law at the University of East Anglia in Norwich (England) and the lecture is on constitutional law which is particularly boring subject. However what I am looking forward too is the release of two CD's tommorow, unfortunatly due to a busy timetable i will not be able to purchase those CD's until Wednesday (which is annoying)I have been waiting at least a month for them and cannot wait much longer...
The next point is I am angry, angry at the net. I have ordered some CD's which I really want, and it was supposed to take 3 weeks for them to get far i have been waiting 4 weeks and am getting stressed. I cannot mention where the CD's are being ordered but i can say what they are:
Dr Dre's ------>Concrete Roots, First Round Knock Out and Back in tha Day
MC Eiht's------>Last man standing.
THE Cd's thaqt come out tommorow are Dr Dres new album "dre 2001" and Kurupts "the streetz iz a mutha". Most people who read this will not care and not know who these people are but I am just putting it to fill space and releive stress.

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