This is the Message Centre for Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!


Post 1

Researcher 99947

Greetings fellow reporter! I needn't say that I await, in anticipation, your knowledge of sea monkeys, yet I say it anyways!

Well, just dropped by to say Hullo (Hullo!!!!!!!!!), and to offer you help, should you ever need it (sorry, we can no longer offer psychiatric help, since it was ruled that only Wonko the Sane could offer any legitamate help, and the rest of us only further such problems): this can include help with GuideHTML, code and conduct of h2g2, that pesky feeling that somebody is always watching you... you name it. To help you I offer my services, as well as those of Peta, our community editor, Mark Moxom, our real Editor, and Bruce, self-proclaimed GUIDEHTML Guru.

I shall await further exploitations of the great King Banjo,

Tata, Tootles, and Cheerios,
Sporkulious Eglon


Post 2


Hi Sporky.. ~grin~ Me too has just read and enjoyed the exploits of King Banjo and his unruly followers... me grinned a bit... at the sex bit... only a bit though... as any sexual subject makes me blush a little... me being a gentle yet cute little cat... ~grinny grin~


Post 3

Researcher 99947

Hmm... could you perhaps give me this page number? If you did I might be able to offer you something sugary, crumbly, powderly, and entirely donut-like... heck, it may even be a donut!

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