This is the Message Centre for kkaykkay

Hello and Welcome kkaykkay...

Post 1

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Hi kkaykkay, Welcome to h2g2 smiley - smiley

I'm Emmily one of the many <./>ACEs</.> (Assistant Community Editors) We're here to offer you a warm welcome advice & links to help you find your way around. smiley - magic

Have a smiley - teasmiley - coffee & smiley - cake or smiley - ale & smiley - porkpie put your feet up relax & let your fingers do the walking

You can click on A3133702 ‘Emmily’s h2g2 Driving Lesson’ where you can pick and choose at your leisure what you’d like to find out about. smiley - surfer (It's still 'under construction, so if you re-visit it, you can see it change smiley - ok)

If you’d like to know what h2g2 is you can read ~ ‘All about h2g2’ A308170 You may also like to read “A Welome and Thank-You Message From Douglas Adams’ A157349 the creator and founder of h2g2. smiley - towel

Or you could chosse to read a <./>RandomEditedEntry</.> smiley - magic

Hope you find these helpful & you enjoy yourself here smiley - biggrin to reply to this post If you have any questions or if you just want to say 'hi' click 'Reply' below

smiley - rose

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