This is the Message Centre for Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

hi guess who

Post 1


hiya dragonfly
smiley - biggrinremember me i used to spk to u on h2g2 as bbgayfemnproud but now have this username as i couldnt get on as other name smiley - sadface
so how r u..??
hope everythings going well for u
have u got an email address so i could keep in touch with u better on..??
anyway hope to hear from u soon takecare
lisa smiley - magic

hi guess who

Post 2

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Hey darling!!! It's been quite awhile, eh!?? Spend the time well, did you!??

I won't be checking my email for a few days, but if you want, you can email me at tgdial at aol dot com.

hi guess who

Post 3


hiya dragonfly
yeah that will be fine thanx...wat is ur email addy for that..??
so how r u..??..not spoke to u for ages
heres a cuppa for u smiley - tea n some smiley - tea
hope u have a good day spk soon take care
smiley - biggrinlisasmiley - smiley

hi guess who

Post 4

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

My email is in that previous post, if you read carefully. Nasty computers like that at symbol, so I spelled it out for you...

Thanks for the cuppa.

How are you!??

hi guess who

Post 5


hiya dragonfly smiley - smiley
im not to bad thanx but got a cold at the moment cant seem to get rid of it n pretty tired as i didnt sleep to good lastnight
soz about the email addy thing hun i didnt click on about that smiley - sadface
heres a smiley - tea n smiley - cake for u
hope u have a good day takecare spk soon
lisa smiley - biggrin

p.s ill email u in a while

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