Journal Entries

Beast Boy's Sonnet: The Memoirs of a Teen Titan

My heart pounds as you pass me by,
How I ache to stroke your purple hair,
Does she love my kind of guy?
Does she know how much I care?

She may like creepy stuff in life,
But I still love her anyway,
I dream of her as my wife,
Then the dream just fades away.

Raven, time to stop messing about,
Time to follow this poem through,
I guess that the secret is out,
That I well and truly love you.

Poem by Beast Boy
With thanks to Air Vice Marshal X for uploading this to the internet (Thanks, dude!)

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Latest reply: Jun 5, 2005

Beast Boys' Sonnet: The Memoirs of a Teen Titan

My heart pounds as you pass me by,
How I ache to stroke your purple hair,
Does she love my kind of guy?
Does she know how much I care?

She may like creepy stuff in life,
But I still love her anyway,
I dream of her s my wife,
Then the dream just fades away.

Raven, time to stop messing about,
Time to follow this poem through,
I guess that the secret is out,
That I well and truly love you.

Poem by Beast Boy
With thanks to Rear-Admiral X for uploading this to the internet (Thanks, dude!)

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Latest reply: May 15, 2005

Beast Boys' Sonnet: The Memoirs of a Teen Titan

My heart pounds as you pass me by,
How I aches to stroke your purple hair,
Does she love my kind of guy?
Does she know how much I care?

She may like creepy stuff in life,
But I still love her anyway,
I dream of her s my wife,
Then the dream just fades away.

Raven, time to stop messing about,
Time to follow this poem through,
I guess that the secret is out,
That I well and truly love you.

Poem by Beast Boy
With thanks to Rear-Admiral X for uploading this to the internet (Thanks, dude!)

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Latest reply: May 15, 2005

Ol' German Food Spell

Auge mit wassermolch, Zunge von schlange,
Gehen und kaufen einige nett seehecht!

TRANSLATION: Eye of newt, tongue of snake, go and buy some nice hake!

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Latest reply: Apr 4, 2005


Next time shopping, must remember to go into Waterstones & buy HG WELLS: THE COMPLETE SHORT STORIES

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Latest reply: Oct 21, 2004

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