This is the Message Centre for CRYSTALENCHANTRESS

welcome to h2g2...

Post 1

Star Fleet...

Hi welcome to h2g2 i'm one of h2g2's very own <./>aces</.> (assistant community editors) we are here to help and guide people around this wonderful place if at times, slightly crazy smiley - smiley here are some places to help you along the way smiley - ok
a great place to start with is, the feisors page: A719840 (which has great tips to help you)
h2g2's very own smileys smiley - ponysmiley - cake can be found here: A155909
why not jump on the smiley - bus and take the <./>DontPanic-Tour</.>
a great place to meet the rest of the community is <./>Askh2g2</.>
if you have any questions just click on "reply" and i'll do my very best to help smiley - smiley
Star Fleet
smiley - planet

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welcome to h2g2...

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