This is the Message Centre for E'dalethni II
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BigEric Posted Apr 9, 2000
You made me laugh.
Thank you.
Be Proud: that was no pathetic attempt.
Getting Tired of Playing with E'Dalethni II
BigEric Posted Apr 9, 2000
I do believe you are being a little nasty pasty!
At times like this, I am reminded of the words of my primary school teacher, Mrs Nelson. "Do try to be a little more tolerant of the other children if you want to have a lot of playmates."
And that encapsulates the dilemma of life in human society: Which is more fun? Playing with people who can turn on you and be horrible or playing with yourself.
Some folk in this playground seem to be behaving as if they've been spending too much time and energy on the latter option.
'bye .....
KimotoCat Posted Apr 10, 2000
The greatest gift one can have is to make strangers laugh!
This could have been a great quote by somebody famous and/or dead, but I just made it up on the spot. (On somebody elses spot to be precise.)
Quite true though...
FiveLongYears Posted Apr 10, 2000
Quote of the day
-"be happy. ur day is better than most. somewhee in the world, some poor schmuck just wacked his thumb with a hammer. your day, is better than his.
KimotoCat Posted Apr 11, 2000
I am a teacher.
My point being that I am quite sure, that my day is regularly better than the one, my pupils feel they are having.
And THAT makes me happy!!! Gneeeheeheehee
FiveLongYears Posted Apr 12, 2000
Sad..... You have some issues you need to deal with Cat.. this joy you seek through the pain of others will be your undoing. I will pray for you. I hate hate hate it when that happens!!!!
FiveLongYears Posted Apr 13, 2000
I like it ... nothing rubs those pesky corns n caluses off like a good ol fashined piece of brimstone. wait.. brimstone as a beauty product.. i wonder if hell is really a really exclusive spa??!!!!?!?
Getting Tired of Playing with Words
E'dalethni II Posted Jul 9, 2003
Wait... I knew I was going to say something clever just now.
Guess not. Well, there's another benign post.
Getting Tired of Playing with E'Dalethni II
E'dalethni II Posted Jul 9, 2003
Sorry, I seem to have forgotten what I did wrong.
Key: Complain about this post
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- 21: BigEric (Apr 9, 2000)
- 22: BigEric (Apr 9, 2000)
- 23: KimotoCat (Apr 10, 2000)
- 24: FiveLongYears (Apr 10, 2000)
- 25: KimotoCat (Apr 11, 2000)
- 26: FiveLongYears (Apr 12, 2000)
- 27: KimotoCat (Apr 12, 2000)
- 28: FiveLongYears (Apr 13, 2000)
- 29: KimotoCat (Apr 17, 2000)
- 30: E'dalethni II (Jul 9, 2003)
- 31: E'dalethni II (Jul 9, 2003)
- 32: KimotoCat (Jul 15, 2003)
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