This is the Message Centre for E'dalethni II
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That's okay.
KimotoCat Started conversation Mar 1, 2000
It's okay to be lazy.
In fact, why don't you simply skip the admitting and go straight to being proud of it!?
And please, drop that Y2K-crap!
That's okay.
E'dalethni II Posted Mar 2, 2000
I was going to drop it a couple of months ago, but I was too busy being lazy.
BigEric Posted Mar 25, 2000
And haven't things been really great so far in this bright new millennium? I mean, few planes have crashed, and very little has happened that has affected computers, except a lot of tecchies have made pots of money from trying to scare the s**t out of gullible people who have more money than sense.
Don't you just love everybody, 'cos I'm sure I do.
I am a Cirius Cybernetics Robot.
I am not a very popular model.
KimotoCat Posted Mar 25, 2000
That's because your board of directors will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.
BigEric Posted Mar 28, 2000
(Sings the Company Song)
"you can trust us, we don't give a fig,
we'll tell you: Go stick your head in a Pig!"
Oh, the words of the great DNA. How I've missed them!
E'dalethni II Posted Mar 28, 2000
Thank you. I think I'll just go and change my page now, and confuse the hell out of anybody else who wanders through and reads this thread.
E'dalethni II Posted Mar 29, 2000
I was about to present an argument to show that confusion was malignant, but then I realized I couldn't come up with one.
26199 Posted Mar 29, 2000
That's not how you spell beginning... confusion is *beginning*.
BigEric Posted Mar 31, 2000
Surely, accusing someone of a mis-spelling is maligning or am I just making a malignant observation?
.... BigEric wanders off and Soliloquises : 2B or not 2B . That is the question .... which may be best considered as a boolean alegebra problem.
Have Fun.
E'dalethni II Posted Apr 1, 2000
No, you are just confused, and, as has been said, confusion is benign. So, how could you be making a malignant observation?
Playing with Words
BigEric Posted Apr 3, 2000
Benign / Beginning = witty joke using word play.
Malign / Malignant = use of ironic template to recreate witticism.
Confusion = result of not understanding the joke, which when explained is no longer a joke anyhow, because the explanation removes the suspicion that a comment has been made in error - a form of verbal slapstick: if the observer is sure the victim wanted to fall, then where's the laugh in that?
Science is funny until it is explained - for the same reasons.
Best Wishes.
Playing with Words
E'dalethni II Posted Apr 3, 2000
Yep, still confused. You missed the other joke.
benign = not malignant
confusion = benign
BigEric = confused
BigEric = not malignant
So tell me again how you were being malignant.
Getting Tired of Playing with Words
BigEric Posted Apr 5, 2000
Surely a malignancy is an ugly growth that interferes with normal processes.
Datz BigEric and what he's just been doing to a tee.
Don't be confused, little one. In the vortex of total perspective, You Are Here.
Getting Tired of Playing with Words
26199 Posted Apr 5, 2000
(Did anyone see that? He called my pathetic attempt at a joke witty!)
Getting Tired of Playing with Words
E'dalethni II Posted Apr 7, 2000
Not to be to down, but if you are tired of playing with words, than just stop.
Oh, and in my dictionary malignant means ill intentioned, also, but I find that however ill intentioned his attempts, his net effect is benign.
Key: Complain about this post
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That's okay.
- 1: KimotoCat (Mar 1, 2000)
- 2: E'dalethni II (Mar 2, 2000)
- 3: 26199 (Mar 2, 2000)
- 4: KimotoCat (Mar 4, 2000)
- 5: BigEric (Mar 25, 2000)
- 6: KimotoCat (Mar 25, 2000)
- 7: BigEric (Mar 28, 2000)
- 8: E'dalethni II (Mar 28, 2000)
- 9: KimotoCat (Mar 29, 2000)
- 10: E'dalethni II (Mar 29, 2000)
- 11: 26199 (Mar 29, 2000)
- 12: E'dalethni II (Mar 30, 2000)
- 13: BigEric (Mar 31, 2000)
- 14: E'dalethni II (Apr 1, 2000)
- 15: BigEric (Apr 3, 2000)
- 16: E'dalethni II (Apr 3, 2000)
- 17: BigEric (Apr 5, 2000)
- 18: 26199 (Apr 5, 2000)
- 19: E'dalethni II (Apr 7, 2000)
- 20: KimotoCat (Apr 7, 2000)
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