Journal Entries

Lack of updates...

I've been rather busy with other things latly (namely the newsgroups, a games website, my own website, school work, LIFE) to use this great place, but I'll start up again this weekend once I get my act together. Till later folks.

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Latest reply: Nov 5, 1999

AOL 5.0...what rubbish....

I must say, AOL 5.0 is one hell of a ho-hum production. It barely adds a damn thing that hasn't been available to the whole rest of the internet world since the beginning of time. It should be called AOL 4.5....

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Latest reply: Oct 17, 1999

I slay thee AOL.....

I got done reading an article about AOL being invinciable, and boy are they dead wrong. I mean look at this glorious place! it's the perfect discussion forum! Well, I'm off to hit the boards.

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Latest reply: Oct 15, 1999

Hitting the guide.....

Well I've taken a look around the guide and I must say I'm impressed by the ease of use of the place, someting rare in todays "online communities". I notice however, that it's no where near as active as the various newsgroups out there, but it's still better then many other "online communities".

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Latest reply: Oct 12, 1999

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