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Relocating the library
Wand'rin star Started conversation Nov 18, 2009
I have gradually been bringing books down from the attic and the study (there's posh) to the dining room and lounge. I am sorting as I go and have taken thirty or so to the local library. There are two huge boxes to go to the nearest teacher training institute in a couple of weeks when I will have access to some wheels.
This sort has so far taken six weeks.Why? It's cold up there in the roof and of course I'm rereading nearly everything (of course)
Relocating the library
Is mise Duncan Posted Nov 18, 2009
I find (six months after my last book clear out) I am equally baffled by what I kept and what I let rereading everything makes sense
Relocating the library
You can call me TC Posted Nov 18, 2009
Relocating a load of books must take ages. I can't imagine anyone not stopping to read whilst taking on this task.
Relocating the library
Wand'rin star Posted Nov 18, 2009
Currently struggling with Steiner's "After Babel". When it was given to me by a dear friend 40 years ago, I breezed through it and could paraphrase chunks. Now i keep falling asleep before I get chapter 3 finished
Relocating the library
AlsoRan80 Posted Nov 19, 2009
Hi wandring
What a wonderful task. I have such problems with my eyes,that rreading is no longer a pleasure. the only reading I can still do is on my computer.
I shall always think of the Peak railway and you. and I think of it often. !!
I must write about my trip to \hong Kong. wonderful memories.
Much affection
19/11/09 5.50 GMT
Relocating the library
Wand'rin star Posted Nov 19, 2009
Thank you Christiane.
I think I have now shifted all the cookery books, including the Malawi Cook Book which has a chapter on cooking insects and a school prize from 1956.
That inspired me to look for my other school prizes. The first, called "With teddy to the fair" I was given when I was four and a bit. It may amuse the almost three year old grandson, who is visiting me soon.
Relocating the library
AlsoRan80 Posted Nov 20, 2009
Hi wandrin
I had not realised that you had also lived in Malawi. Was it still called Nyasalnad then? It is really such a beautiful country. I have a super Priest who visits England every year and who is the head of a Seminary in Malawi. I also had a sister-in-law who lived in Malawi, so feel I know at least Limbe quite well. !!
It's history is really extraordinary.
With affection
20/aa/09 6.00 GMT
Relocating the library
Sho - employed again! Posted Nov 20, 2009
My dream, when/if I win the lottery* and/or get rich suddenly, is to have a library in my house with sliding ladders.
I'm hopeless at weeding and sorting my books, I just start reading, then dust them all and put them back on the shelf.
Relocating the library
AlsoRan80 Posted Nov 20, 2009
Dear Sho,
How nice to meet you. I have just been to your home page. but I do not know where you live, or very much more about you escept that you liks strange peanut butter sandwiches, I put a little marmalade on mine when I am feeling extra hungry.!!
I hope that we can be friends.
20/11/09 6.45 GMT
Relocating the library
Sho - employed again! Posted Nov 20, 2009
Hi Christine, nice to meet you!
would you mind if I add you as a friend? I've seen you around and think yuo (as well as WS) have had such a hugely interesting life I'd like to see a biography.
(yes, WS - I'm giving you the steely eyed look again )
Relocating the library
Sho - employed again! Posted Nov 20, 2009
Prieview is my fiend.
(oh and previously I put an * behind lottery and didn't explain. I don't actually buy a lottery ticket so my chance of winning it is much less than anyone else who does play)
Relocating the library
AlsoRan80 Posted Nov 20, 2009
Hi Sho,
I would be thrilled if you added my name to your Friends List. I shall do the same.
May I just say that my name is Christiane - the French name p not Christine. !!
All good wishes,
20/11/09 18.20 GMT
Relocating the library
AlsoRan80 Posted Nov 21, 2009
Please do not worry sho!!
I like the name Christiane - I have only ever seen one other one and that is the journalist on CNN who is Christiane Amanapour I think her name is.
In south Africa I had the nickname Kim, and was also known as Chris. for ages,
Have a good weekend. I am off to do my stroke/brain repairing exercises.
21/11/09 16 20 GMT
Relocating the library
You can call me TC Posted Nov 23, 2009
Yours is a relatively usual name in Germany, Christiane. They pronounce the "e" at the end, so it sounds like "Christiana". I associate it with rather aristocratic people, - for example the mother of the first family I au paired for was called Christiane.
I don't even know how you pronounce it in English - I assume you don't pronounce the final sound. So does it sound exactly like the French name?
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Relocating the library
- 1: Wand'rin star (Nov 18, 2009)
- 2: Is mise Duncan (Nov 18, 2009)
- 3: You can call me TC (Nov 18, 2009)
- 4: Wand'rin star (Nov 18, 2009)
- 5: AlsoRan80 (Nov 19, 2009)
- 6: Wand'rin star (Nov 19, 2009)
- 7: AlsoRan80 (Nov 20, 2009)
- 8: Sho - employed again! (Nov 20, 2009)
- 9: AlsoRan80 (Nov 20, 2009)
- 10: Sho - employed again! (Nov 20, 2009)
- 11: Sho - employed again! (Nov 20, 2009)
- 12: Wand'rin star (Nov 20, 2009)
- 13: AlsoRan80 (Nov 20, 2009)
- 14: Sho - employed again! (Nov 20, 2009)
- 15: AlsoRan80 (Nov 21, 2009)
- 16: You can call me TC (Nov 23, 2009)
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