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St. Cthulhu Started conversation Apr 23, 2000
Just a quick remark of remorse for the passing of a great American author and illustrator, Edward Gorey. He will be greatly missed.
Researcher Frin E. Frin Posted May 8, 2000
Father clipped out the Denver post article about Edward Gorey's death and saved it for me. He said, you know you are getting old when your heroes start dying. I took the article and stared at it unbelieving. He had so much more to do, and he didn't get to finish..., and it isn't fair,... and I suppose it doesn't matter now if they stop making his favorite pen tips now. I would have donated body parts if I thought they would have kept him from dying, but he's gone now.
Dad said that he hopes he has gone to live with all of his creatures.
-I would like to think so.
Maybe he is somewhere drinking tea, playing double solitare with something unidentifiable.
Gul Moray Posted May 9, 2000
Perhaps if his spirit roams for a while we may have the opportunity of him inhabiting our pipes (if the other spirits leave first),.... looking forward to seeing you soon
Researcher Frin E. Frin Posted May 9, 2000
I was all weepy when I wrote that entry, and reading it again, I became weepy once more. Perhaps we should ban all reading of my last entry. I like the Gul's idea of perhaps gorey comming to visit the pipes that go to the heat register in my old room.
St. Cthulhu Posted May 10, 2000
I think we shouldn't ban the post as it has significant emotional implications to us. Anyone who reads it and doesn't, won't understand. And we can always come back and get weepy again. How cool is that?!
If I know anything about Gorey (which I don't (much)) then he would be honored to inhabit the pipes for a bit. I think it would be wonderful to kick out the previous inhabitants. They've been scaring us for too long. Maybe they should move on.
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