This is the Message Centre for maria the minx

Hi Maria

Post 1


Congrats on conquering H2G2 smiley - laugh much better smileys here smiley - boing

My name on FB is Fiona Yule and the email addy I use over there is [email protected].

smiley - hug

smiley - dragon

Hi Maria

Post 2

maria the minx

hi there

i get very confused very easilysmiley - doh but now i have your email i'll add you in smiley - winkeye

and if i don't reply immediately it'll because i'm peeling weetabix off the sole of my foot or something similar smiley - yikes

see you in a bit smiley - hug

like i said, maria is my real name smiley - winkeye

Hi Maria

Post 3

maria the minx

right then, *be my friend as i have none* request done smiley - laughsmiley - laugh honestly, my friends' list is really sad smiley - laugh

Hi Maria

Post 4


All right maria I will add you but dont have a computer at home so go to the internet cafe so it will be the weekend.

There are a few chatterboxers on my page that I can pinpoint you to.

Also if you go through search friends and look up schools for one. It was scary people who found me even though my name is different from school smiley - laugh

Look forward to seeing piccies of you and mini-me smiley - hug

smiley - dragon

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