Journal Entries

The Australian Republic Debate

Hey there folks.
Australia is currently in the grip of a debate on whether or not to become a Republic, with an Australian head of State.

Here is a link to page which addresses some questions that neither side appear to me to be doing.

Australians and all are welcome to submit comments and further info, or even errata (I am not infallible).

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Latest reply: Oct 24, 1999

The times, they R a-changin'

Jeff Kennett is Gone!!!
The King is Dead!
His reign of Terror is over.

For those who came in late...
Jeff was an Autocrat. Having been educated at one of Victoria's top Private schools (Scotch College), he was obviously one who saw to it that all his upper-middle class bourgois buddies came out smelling of money, while average, struggling Aussies got sucked deeper and deeper into the Late Capitalist machine (earning less, spending more).
- He sacked teachers and closed down State-funded schools (leaving classrooms even more crowded and Private Schools, like Scotch, getting even more taxpayers money).
- He privatised all State utilities, thus leaving us without any alternate form of revenue-raising.
- He built a huge unnecessary casino (to bring money into Victoria), but then took away the 'High-Rollers' tax, so that those who could afford to waste money in this immoral way didn't really lose out, while poor people, hoping to get an extra buck were left destitute.
- Allowed the deterioration of the Hospitals and Ambulance service (again, State, not Private).
- Took away compensation from Workers (for on-the-job injuries).
- He did away with the Auditor-General, thus leaving no check on his government's spending.
- He silenced all members of his party during the election campaign: he was the only person allowed to speak of policy to people and the media.
- He was rude, arrogant, held contempt for anyone who's opinion differed with his, and (so I hear) was a wife-bashing misogynist!

OK, so he built some footy stadiums. Big deal. A State that covers up its problems by placating the public with entertainment and monumental building programs is obviously rotten - look at Imperial Rome and Egypt!

But, to his credit, he did do something that no one else has managed to achieve in Australian politics; something that many poli's on the left have most likely wanted to see for a hundred years: He managed to split up the Liberal/National Party coalition. No longer are the National (country) Party forming government with the Libs (city bourgoisie), and no longer are they voting with them.

Not only that, but now that he's lost, he's cracking the shites, he's spitting the dummy, he's taking his ball and going home. What's wrong Jeff? If no one wants to play the game by your rules, then you just won't play, is that it? Didn't Scotch College teach you how to be noble in defeat?

Or is it because you won't be able to rort the taxpayers' money any longer, depriving you of all those wonderful perks you gave yourself?

Not only that, but he's going around now saying, "What did I do to Victoria to deserve this? After all that I've done for you..." If you don't know the answer to that, Jeff, then you're a bigger fuckwit than I already thought.

Yes my fellow Victorians, the times are certainly a-changing. And just a couple of months before Millennium.

Nice one.

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Latest reply: Oct 23, 1999

Spectacular Skies

There is a thunderstorm.
Steady rain.
Much needed rain.
Occasional flashes- so brilliant it lights up the clouded sky like silver: white silver!
Eeerie energy.
It is spring. A spring storm. Thorr is forging a great tool on his anvil.
The seed is being opened with the force of the hammer and the rain gives life to the new lifeform within. New life.
The Beginning. This is the result of the Prince of Light's reign over the cosmos. This is what happens in the world when the Son is allowed to shine.
His power is growing.
The Light.
The Wheel turns.
New times approach.
The cusp approacheth.
Will the energy of release be as beautiful to watch as this storm?

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Latest reply: Oct 9, 1999

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