This is the Message Centre for adeve

Ah, yes

Post 1

Researcher 99947

We shall enjoy them....

Just dropping by, saying hullo... offering the help to solve many of those pesky GuideML (I call it GUIDEHTML) problems... many of use have tackled and enslaved those pesky secrets, such as myself, Peta, Mark Moxom, and Bruce, self-proclaimed GUIDEML GURU.

If you have any other questions, be sure to ask the aforementioned persons, and have fun purusing the forums (you already have quite a start).


Tata, Tootles, and Cheerios
Sporkulious Eglon

Ah, yes

Post 2


Thanks, I've already downloaded all the GuideML pages for further studies, but I just don't seem to have time to actually READ them...

Couldn't be so hard, since I already know HTML (I study computer sciences), it's just trying to find the time between full-time-studies and part-time job smiley - sadface


Ah, yes

Post 3

Researcher 99947


Glad to hear from you! Actually, we're in the same boat, compadre... I have studies, two jobs, and all of the rest of my time is thrown on this thingy...

And you're right, GuideHTML, or GUIDEML isn't that hard at all... however, there are some catches if you already know html... some things just don't apply in the exact same ways

Ah, yes

Post 4


That's be because its actually XML smiley - winkeye


Ah, yes

Post 5

Researcher 99947

Ah, ptwooie to you bruce : p From now on I shan't even add the guide part... from now on it shall be called Crowled, in your honour smiley - winkeye

Ah, yes

Post 6




Ah, yes

Post 7


I just read through the GuideML instructions, and it actually seems to be _much_ easier than HTML. (Which is quite an accomplishment, since I found HTML one of the easiest things to learn). But hey, I ain't complaining... smiley - bigeyes


Ah, yes

Post 8


I think h2g2 put quite a bit of time into making the GuideML tags as simple as possible. Keep an eye on the GuideML Clinic ( ) for updates to GuideML.

have fun ~ any questions feel free to ask smiley - smiley


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