Journal Entries


since i wrote my first journal entry i have reached the ripe old age of 40...ggggrrrrrr
anyone who wants a pic of me i have 1 on email so feel free to ask and if you leave me your email addy i will forward it onto you..:o)

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Latest reply: Nov 12, 2004

email addy

Oh and by the way i can be contacted at...
[email protected]

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Latest reply: Oct 12, 2004

Well here go

I am currently sat here wondering what to do with the rest of my evening..
Get kinda sick of doin the same things everyday and as of next week i will be stuck on a course i dont want to do..:o(.
Oh well its gotta be done and no gettin away from it i suppose..
Its tuesday and the time is 18-40pm uk time.
Will be bed time in 6 hours or so and that smy fave time of the day..

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Latest reply: Oct 12, 2004

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Mr Snuggler

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