This is the Message Centre for Mr Snuggler

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Post 1


your me third friend smiley - mouse

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Post 2

Mr Snuggler

hi there,erm i dont think we have chatted b4..well i am mick from newcastle and plzd to make ur aquaintence :o)

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Post 3



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Post 4

Mr Snuggler

Where ya from then jen?

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Post 5


Land of make believe

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Post 6

Mr Snuggler

oh i see..(takes cpl of steps backwards)

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Post 7


I got modded........oopsie

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Post 8

Mr Snuggler

modded???...erm dunno wot ya mean :o)

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Post 9


It was nowt. Land of make believe.........Ur smiley - mouse me smiley - panda

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Post 10

Mr Snuggler

hi jen,sory i havent been on this much recently so sorry for delay in replying ((hugs))

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Post 11


Ouch smiley - mouse those spuds and lumpy custard really hurt

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Post 12

Mr Snuggler

aaaawww didnt mean to hurt u lil lady :o)..
got a plaster here if u need it :oP

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Post 13


smiley - mouse

Is it a winnie the pooh plaster ?

Time's running out.............

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Post 14

Mr Snuggler

it can be whatever kinda plaster u wish it to be...where does it hurt then as got it ready for u??..hehehe

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Post 15


Just there.

Hey, smiley - mouse, see you've packed your little bag n all. Just like me

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Post 16

Mr Snuggler

erm i dont think i can put a plaster there :oP...however if u insist :o)

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