This is the Message Centre for Mr Snuggler

Geordie lad looking for new mates on here..interested??...please leave message thanks :o)

Post 1

Mr Snuggler

Hi there,newcomer to this and looking for new people to chat too.
Feel free to visit my PS and if your interested in leaving a message then i will get back to u as soon as i can..
thanks to all(if any)who reply..:o)

Geordie lad looking for new mates on here..interested??...please leave message thanks :o)

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Yoohoo *waves*

Can't leave a perfectly good thread empty! smiley - whistle

Are you interested in Role Play games.. we have a good one online and we need a Ships Captain. ... interested?

Pop by my PS when you have time.. and I will post you the link.

smiley - magic

lil xx

Geordie lad looking for new mates on here..interested??...please leave message thanks :o)

Post 3

Mr Snuggler

Hi lil
Erm role play games eh?..hhhhmmmmm never doen em b4 hun....wot kinda ship is it as i do a mean impression of LONG JOHN SILVER..
"avast me hearties,shiver my timbers and sittie down at table to starboard if yee kindly will"..:oP

Geordie lad looking for new mates on here..interested??...please leave message thanks :o)

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Just have a look around.. there are other threads there too.. you may read but don't post in there.. not just yet okay

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