This is the Message Centre for Mr Snuggler

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 1

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

You misunderstood the conversation there hun!

Cal mean he didn't mind you coming into the convo....

....if it was something else that made us appear unwelcoming, please let us know....

In the meantime, please pop back into the conversation here.....


*holds out hand to guide Argentum back over*

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 2

Mr Snuggler

Its ok vicki i shouldnt have come into the convo..sorry for the misunderstanding and to answer your question'no there wasnt anything else that made me feel unwelcome.
you and cal enjoy your chat and will catch up with you soon.
take care bonny lass

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 3

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

All my threads are open threads Mick....

You are more than welcome to come back. Cal thinks he has offended you...please pop over and come sit on the bench with us.

*holds out hand*

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 4

Mr Snuggler

Its cool vicki,
i have msged cal and as far as i am concerned its forgotten about already..

i am still havin tons of errors appearing and it takes me ages to do anything because of them.
u 2 have a good chat and will catch up another time ok..
by the way thanks for taking time to chat to a newcomer as i am finding it veryhard to get anyone to chat too as they all have there own cliques..

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 5

Mr Snuggler

i have msged cal and its cool vicki honestly..
thanks for takin time out to chat to a newcomer on here as its hard to get anyone to chat too due to ppl having there own circle of friends and most dont like outsiders..
thanks again pet!!..

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 6

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

I've been on this site for just over 2 years, so it is quite easy to get caught up with your friends online.

The errors are because of an upgrade that happened this morning....we get them occasionally, but just give it time and it will all calm down.

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 7

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |


do not feel tooo cooked here

...within few days you will get a lot injokes and smiley - silly of silliness.

keep on smiley - smiley

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 8

Mr Snuggler

Hey pheloxi,
hows things goin with?..
What football team u support?...AJAX,PSV...??

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 9

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

I hate football and sport. waste of money and time on tv.

it always interfeers with my favourite tv series trek or new york blue or jag

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 10

Mr Snuggler

pheloxi..ah right..ok well to each there own eh...
i used to watch star trek but the other ones i never watch..
i love my sports or some of them anyway

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 11

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

we have about 20 tv national stations* here and most can not even keep tv series at same time. oh and we Dutch have about 16 million people living here.

* 3 public - (2 times) 3 commercial - mtv/tmf/the box - discovery channel/animal chanel/national geographic - nikolodeon - 3 local

I also get 2 BBC - 2 Flemish - 4 German* - 1 French* - CNN

* never watch

the BBC is best, but adly we do not get ceefax anymore

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 12

Mr Snuggler

well mate i have to go and get something to eat...nice chattin to u and have a good nite

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 13

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - yawn

Morning....... *wipes sleep from eyes*

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 14

Mr Snuggler

Hi VV...just came on for awhile...hows things in chester today?..:o)

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 15

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Very foggy and quite bleak now... *shudder* I really don't like this kind of weather...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU OLD FART!!!!!!!!! smiley - biggrin

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 16

Mr Snuggler

Erm thanx.....i think :o(

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 17

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

I'm sure you will have a wonderful's my 30th next year and it was my mums 50th a few months ago

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 18

Mr Snuggler

well i doubt it as not doing anything for it.
Still not really bothered as its just another day really..

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 19

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

How come you're not doing anything? Surely you must be doing "something"!! Even if it only means going down the pub to get very drunk!

You daft sausage!!!!

Post 20

Mr Snuggler

Nah not doing anything..i dont really drink and wouldnt go on my own anyway :o(
just be glad when its all over :o)

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