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I'm weird!

Post 1


Yes! smiley - weird! That's me! smiley - biggrin

I'm sure this news won't surprise my friends. It doesn't surprise me either, but I've never been *officially* smiley - weird before.

Now, however, I have had my smiley - weird status confirmed by the Weirdness Test at ! Why not take the test yourself?

Personally, I'm proud to be smiley - weird. It's much more interesting than being smiley - yawn normal!

But don't worry if you're smiley - sleepy normal. I was once, but I cured myself... smiley - winkeye

I'm weird!

Post 2

Go-Go Girl

Ormondroyd...I am preparing a 'League of Weirdness' which, seeing as you're so smiley - weird - you will most probably head. Unless of course, someone else conjures up a more preposterous response in which case they would lead in the smiley - weird stakes.

BTW, I came up with the predicted response and now fear I am smiley - yawn. I want to be smiley - weird too....smiley - wah

I'm weird!

Post 3


smiley - biggrin Thank you! It is so nice to have my smiley - weirdness recognised and appreciated!

And smiley - cheerup. I'm sure you can be smiley - weird if you try! Copious amounts of smiley - ale, listening to smiley - weird music and supporting hopeless football teams worked for me, but I think we all have to find our own path to smiley - weirdness.

Good luck in your quest! smiley - winkeye

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