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Baron Grim Started conversation May 29, 2019
There's a rather bizarre TV show running on basic cable in the states, specifically on a network called SYFY (formerly SciFi but I can't help but pronounce it "siffy"). The show is called HAPPY! While it's nominally about a little girl's imaginary friend in the form of a flying unicorn (voiced by Patton Oswald) it definitely ain't for the kiddies.
Anyway, one of the several villainous characters is possessed by your namesake, Orcus. He's a nasty character indeed. But he's trapped within a single bloodline of Mafiosi.
I just thought you might be interested. It's currently in its second season.
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Orcus Posted May 31, 2019
Outstanding. Thanks for that -I've heard of HAPPY, I think we may have it here (we certainly get SYFY) - I'll keep a look out.
It's not like I invented it though - just a name from old D&D. At least it's less common than my real name - which, while not quite being John Smith is a thing of much commenplaceness
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Orcus Posted May 31, 2019
Ooh, Christopher Meloni - I stand a chance of getting my wife to watch this - she is a major fan of Law and Order SVU (that's OK, but a bit to earnest all the time for my tastes - though it is in keeping with the subject material tbf).
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