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Audax - Long Distance Cycling with Added Cake

Post 1

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Hi Orcus

Sorry for the delay, but your Entry is ready to go now. The final version is here A87816810

I've not made any changes at all, just a bit of proof reading/typos sort of thing. I added titles to the external links and have also added some links to h2g2 Entries on cycling.

I hope you approve, and remind you to subscribe to the Approved Version, which I intend to feature this weekend.

If you notice anything amiss with this Entry, please let me know, and I'll fix it.

Also, if you have any updates on this Entry in the future, or other cycling ones, just drop a line to Editorial Feedback and a curator will assist. We like to keep things up to date wherever possible.


Audax - Long Distance Cycling with Added Cake

Post 2


Looks great. Just two very minor things. Under AAA points the description of the Pendle 600 quotes the Rosedale Chimney as one of the climbs - I only found out today that actually they go down that (very scary descent apparently). Not necessarily important though as it's not explicitly mentioned as a climb I suppose.

Also there is an opportunity to link the bbc article on Drew Buck and his onions since he gets a mention in the list of Audaxing greats. I saw Drew yesterday as a matter of fact as there were two on yesterday out of Cardiff and Bristol and the rides shared a bit of route for a while. He was on a normal bike yesterday though.

Otherwise, great, and neither of those things are important really.

I'm glad you left the humorous stuff in, don't think that would have survived under the BBC editorial process. They used to have a way of extracting humour from entries smiley - sadface

Thanks very much for a fine job

Audax - Long Distance Cycling with Added Cake

Post 3


One more thing Lanzababy - I just heard from the organiser of the Kernow and South West organiser and he claims that reference 22 is wrong and that doesn't appear on his route sheet.

I got those comments from a conversation I started on yacf after being personally amused by the understated nature of horrific things you occasionally face on these rides.

Perhaps remove reference 22 altogether seeing as it seems to be incorrect.



Audax - Long Distance Cycling with Added Cake

Post 4

h2g2 Guide Editors

smiley - biggrin I knew there was something I'd overlooked. I've added that link to the story about Drew Buck. Thanks for the reminder

I've deleted this part of the sentence in the AAA part:

[and the Rosedale Chimney in Yorkshire.]

I've removed footnote 22, or rather the bit that was once footnote 22.

I'm just faffing with extraneous white space at the moment, but once I've fixed that it will appear on the Front Page. So, congratulations!

I really enjoyed reading this, and the humour made it much more accessible to me. All I can say about subbing, is that in any discussion about the Edited Guide that I've been involved in, we've always been of the consensus that the author's voice should be paramount, rather than stifled into heavy 'house style'. It's your piece of writing after all. We're just here to help things along a bit.

ps there's loads of cyclists all over Lanzarote, being as triathlons and Ironman are held here, as well as just the ordinary bicycle users. So all morning as I was out for a walk I kept being reminded of your Entry, so many different bikes! and cycle gear! smiley - rofl

Audax - Long Distance Cycling with Added Cake

Post 5


Hi Lanza, please don't apologise for the delay, it's a long article. Thanks very much for all your work on it!

Yeah the canaries are a magnet for cyclists. Didn't know about Lanzarotte but it's not a surprise. Tenerife particularly has the largest sustained climb in 'Europe' (personally not convinced it's really Europe). Gran Canaria is also a fave. I have drama of cycling there myself although being a non-ideal build for a cyclist (fat) it would tough. Maybe one day I'll see you there smiley - biggrin

Audax - Long Distance Cycling with Added Cake

Post 6


I hate my phone's autocorrect. Drama = dreams

Audax - Long Distance Cycling with Added Cake

Post 7


Hi Lanzababy, I've had a couple of errors pointed out to me and I spotted another rather silly one, they're posted on the conversations to the article itself.

All the best,


Audax - Long Distance Cycling with Added Cake

Post 8

h2g2 Guide Editors

Hi there

Can you specify exactly which bits of text need to be replaced with exactly which bits of 'new' text please? That would be super helpful, and it would be even easier for us if you'd report these here: A388334 at Editorial Feedback. That's the place where the curators pick up jobs like this. It also acts as a place where corrections are logged. Many thanks!


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