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Recumbentman Started conversation Jan 22, 2013
Hi Orcus. No, I don't post at yacf. There are other recumbent men ...
I do remember 1954 but I don't remember 1934. The incident is mentioned in my early Entry, A901036 (which now sports a picture of me).
Orcus Posted Jan 22, 2013
Yeah I thought it was someone else, but you never know if someone's hiding under a different pseudonym.
Thanks for the link. I can see why you're not a fan of the UCI.
Recumbentman Posted Jan 22, 2013
Curiously the yacf RecumbentMan (he has an extra capital in there) is called Andreas R and I am Andrew R. He appears to be a German with excellent English (haven't they all?) in his 30s, who only rides a recumbent occasionally.
Orcus Posted Jan 22, 2013
He's german? How did I miss that? Well I only joined a week or two ago.
They have many members who ride all sorts of memorable bike types there.
I joined because I'm trying to give audaxing a go and that place seems to be the home of audax online (aside from the official UK site that is). Trying is the operative word mind with this weather. The mountain roads around here at the moment are deeply snowbound and I'm signed up for a 200 km Audax starting here in 4 days time Things are not looking promising.
How is the weather in Ireland - I know northern ireland has it bad but they don't tell us Eire's weather - I guess it can't be too different.
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