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Post 1

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

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A point that deserves to be in the FAQ - why do the slots in your toaster run in the wrong direction? Generally, they follow the long axis, so you can fit more bread in... btw. do you get on well with bread-heads? smiley - bigeyes

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Post 2



I'm glad you asked that! As it happens, I come from a mixed-race background, of lengthwise-slot toasterheads and sidewise-slot toasterheads. However, sidewise slots, though relatively rare, are, in fact, a dominant gene. So my father had sidewise slots, as did his father, and so on. It is highly likely that my kids will have sidewise slots as well.

And it wasn't always easy being a sidewiser. Growing up was hell, sometimes. The other kids used to call me the most horrible names. But I strode with my sidewise-slotted head held high. I am very proud of my sidewise heritage.

It also promotes more effective heat distribution during the toasting process, so there are fewer "burned spots" on toasted bread slices, bagels, Pop-Tarts ®, and so on.

Thank you very much for visiting!


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