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Bloody hell, rugby, why do we play it?

Post 1


Its cold and wet, yet we play the most of brutal games.
Rugby, why do we play it?
Man kicks ball, man catches ball, man tackles man with ball in such a way that man with ball can't get up again.
Its played with the most orcward of shaped balls that I have only seen smaller of on myself.
You end up at the bottom of huge pile ups that consist of a load of over wait bruts sitting on you. FUN?
Ofcourse its fun. Its the most demanding of games yet it is one of the only games where you get to beat the shit out of your opponants legally! THATS FUN!
It doesn't matter if you win or loose, as long as your opposit player comes off the pitch looking worse than you do, you are the overall winner! Excellent I think.
So watch the world cup, its being played right now in Wales, and you'll get to see some the biggest blokes you've ever seen, running full pelt at each other.
But still, why do we do it?

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Bloody hell, rugby, why do we play it?

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