This is the Message Centre for michae1
Welcome back Mikey!
kuzushi Started conversation Oct 14, 2008
It's good to see one of your posts.
What've you been up to?
Welcome back Mikey!
michae1 Posted Oct 14, 2008
I've just been stepping back from h2g2 a bit. With the very small amount of spare time I have at the end of each day, often the last thing I want is to subject myself to verbal abuse from 20 or so antitheists. (Bless them!!)
I probably won't be spending a VAST amount of time here but hope to maintain SOME input, at least.
Bless you and, keep up the good work!!
Welcome back Mikey!
kuzushi Posted Oct 15, 2008
Hey, rather than having abuse from antitheists, why don't we support each other here and on these links instead?
Welcome back Mikey!
michae1 Posted Oct 15, 2008
Great idea.
And check out this site also:
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Welcome back Mikey!
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