This is the Message Centre for The h2g2 book club

The New Chill out Room!

Post 21


We will have to get Intern to close the threadsmiley - smiley

The New Chill out Room!

Post 22

lostbagpuss999 ..... join us in the h2g2 bookclub .... for scintillating conversation

why ? was it something I said ??

The New Chill out Room!

Post 23

ditzyblonde...the girl who loves to eat, drink and be merry....

Doyou want to caht in here or the other thread...I dont mind!
Loving this sunshine! smiley - cool
Off to the Canbury this evening with some friends which should be good, its always nice there.

The New Chill out Room!

Post 24

lostbagpuss999 ..... join us in the h2g2 bookclub .... for scintillating conversation

I looked and looked and you were no where to be found smiley - wah

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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