This is the Message Centre for The h2g2 book club

The New Chill out Room!

Post 1

ditzyblonde...the girl who loves to eat, drink and be merry....

So here we are in the new room...very tasteful......
When I have had a moment to consider I will post my Top Ten..but that will be so hard! I will do some reviews soon as well.....
Welcome all, old friends and new! smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - smiley

The New Chill out Room!

Post 2

ditzyblonde...the girl who loves to eat, drink and be merry....

Getting lonely.. oh so lonely in here......smiley - wah

The New Chill out Room!

Post 3


Hi Ditzsmiley - smiley

The New Chill out Room!

Post 4

ditzyblonde...the girl who loves to eat, drink and be merry....

Hello all! Another lovely sunny day and I am off camping for a week. Lets hope the sun shines! I have my fleecy PJs, thermal socks and hat for the night time cos I get soooo cold in a tent! Ah well, I better go and try to fit all the gear in the car, speak to you all in a week...dont miss me too much!smiley - hug

The New Chill out Room!

Post 5

lostbagpuss999 ..... join us in the h2g2 bookclub .... for scintillating conversation

ok here i are where the heck are you lot ???

The New Chill out Room!

Post 6


Missing you already, have a smiley - magic time

The New Chill out Room!

Post 7

lostbagpuss999 ..... join us in the h2g2 bookclub .... for scintillating conversation

yes do dipps dont give a thought to us will ya smiley - smiley

The New Chill out Room!

Post 8

ditzyblonde...the girl who loves to eat, drink and be merry....

Hurrah I am back and I survived,.....I was very brave..went without hubby but coped...a bit blonde trying to ;put up teh tent but I had plenty of willing helpers.The weather was "mixed"...24 hours of strong winds and non stop rain wasnt fun and i thought at one point the tent would blow away with us inside but we all survived and had alovely time! Good to be back here tho.smiley - hug

The New Chill out Room!

Post 9

lostbagpuss999 ..... join us in the h2g2 bookclub .... for scintillating conversation

every time I come in here it is empty I am sure you are pulling my leg smiley - smiley

The New Chill out Room!

Post 10


No they are notsmiley - biggrin

The New Chill out Room!

Post 11


Chech the other threads Seems to be getting most traffis

The New Chill out Room!

Post 12

ditzyblonde...the girl who loves to eat, drink and be merry....

Yep bagpuss go to the chillout room thread..Johnny K has reappeared! smiley - biggrin

The New Chill out Room!

Post 13

lostbagpuss999 ..... join us in the h2g2 bookclub .... for scintillating conversation

when I am here everyone is there and when i am there everyone is here you are just messin me about smiley - smiley
how was the pub then ?

The New Chill out Room!

Post 14

ditzyblonde...the girl who loves to eat, drink and be merry....

The pub was lovely...first to arrive , last to leave...booked a table for Saturday with friends!smiley - bubbly

The New Chill out Room!

Post 15

lostbagpuss999 ..... join us in the h2g2 bookclub .... for scintillating conversation

if you ever move they will go out of business - got a mail from Adrian today btw

The New Chill out Room!

Post 16

lostbagpuss999 ..... join us in the h2g2 bookclub .... for scintillating conversation

Morning smiley - smiley

The New Chill out Room!

Post 17

ditzyblonde...the girl who loves to eat, drink and be merry....

hey lbp....follow the thread to the Book Club Chillout Room..I will see you in there1smiley - smiley

The New Chill out Room!

Post 18

lostbagpuss999 ..... join us in the h2g2 bookclub .... for scintillating conversation

I cant find you smiley - wah

The New Chill out Room!

Post 19

ditzyblonde...the girl who loves to eat, drink and be merry....

I will be there...sorry I disappeared!

The New Chill out Room!

Post 20

lostbagpuss999 ..... join us in the h2g2 bookclub .... for scintillating conversation

so where are you ??
is this hide and seek ??

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The New Chill out Room!

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