This is the Message Centre for Skankyrich [?]

Bruises & bats

Post 1


Call me daft (i am, you do!) but have just endured the bloody New Year crap, alone, his high holiness i think has finally done a bunk, which is almost certainly good in the long term, but no fun at the moment, i am pretty sure he stuck around simply for his Christmas presents.

Whatever, here is moi alone except for Yoda & a desperate party thread i started on here, i can't be the only person sad enough to be on hootoo at midnight can i?

The bloody witching hour arrives, but just before it does, you text me; you DO have some idea how much that meanssmiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

The bells ring, fireworks go off, shiny happy people everywhere, i do my duty & venture outside to look at the fireworks. And what swoops down across my face, squeaking?

A smiley - bat You were there.

I felt a lot less bruised. Thank you, my friend. I will be thinking of you in 15 minutes time but probably can't get a text through, lines are clogged at this end & undoubtedly at your end too.

Let's hope this year is less tiresome & more rewarding in all senses than the last one eh?!

smiley - love


Bruises & bats

Post 2

Skankyrich [?]

That's all nice to hear, love smiley - hug When work seems so futile at times, it's great to get home and find I've done some good somewhere.

I'm pretty tired, need a smiley - stiffdrink and a good sleep, but I just wanted to give you a good smiley - smooch to say thanks for this.

smiley - cuddle

Bruises & bats

Post 3


aww, how did it go? There there, a nice port will soon sort you out.smiley - smooch


Bruises & bats

Post 4

Skankyrich [?]

Oh, arse as always smiley - smiley Looking for holidays now... wonder if I can talk her into Marrakech? Not bothered about Egypt (quote of the year already, right there), Malta would be great but a bit windy in January, Canaries are right out and Mexico and Goa too pricey. Hmmm...

Bruises & bats

Post 5


Look up Pondicherry; it's much the same climate etc as Goa but much cheaper, french enclave, it's where viking dreams of running a guesthouse, not too commercialised; not overrun with hippies trying to sell you stuff but efficient enough.


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