This is the Message Centre for Skankyrich [?]


Post 1


Hi friend (?)

I think apologies are in order; and as I did not want to disrupt the badger thread, I thought I'd post my sorry thread here.

WS is absolute magic; and her humour is one of her most endearing qualities. However, once I had posted my response this morning, I realised that 'The Post' is a whole new can of worms. It would be unfair of me to expect the same format in a more formal environment, than that, in say, the Badger Thread.

It just seems that in the Badger Thread, WS is in her natural element - humerous/factual etc; and comes across with such true realism that it would be a shame to shackle her to formalism.

Ok Ok, tell me to sod off and mind my own business - I appreciate that I have no professional knowledge of how these things should be done; but just want WS to succeed in what is obviously her true vocation.

smiley - hugsmiley - smooch Scorpio smiley - witch


Post 2

Skankyrich [?]

Friend (?) - yes, of course smiley - smiley

I agree with what you say absolutely, Scorpio smiley - witch, don't worry. Forgive me; I occasionally sound much blunter than I'm meant to, what often sound like friendly words in one's head can appear grumpy in text, and reading back this is probably the case, so I'll apologise too...

WS's passion for wildlife, and her volunteer work for the BTO and WWF, put her in an ideal place to do a column for us; add the friendly style of writing that comes with the 'MHIST' thread and we have the potential for a great column. For example, your tagline says 'make sure you feed the birds!!!' - wouldn't it be great to have a correspondant who could put across that message to a wider audience via smiley - thepost and maybe get a few more people doing that?

Whatever she decides to put in her column, I'll put in. I've said she can sum up her badger thread or turn the column into a 'Soapbox' as her PS promises, or anything in between. I'm not going to try to influence what she writes, try to change her style or edit out all the idiosyncracies that make her thread such compelling reading. I'm a fan, just as much as you are smiley - smiley

She's very excited about the whole prospect, so I think her enthusiasm will continue to show through. You and I are both of the same mind; we love her writing and what she stands for, and I know her column will be a success. I'm thoroughly looking forward to the privilege of being the first to read it smiley - winkeye - and I'm sure you'll be delighted to read it in smiley - thepost in a couple of weeks time too!

Here, have some smiley - redwine and smiley - choc. Sorry i sounded such a grump earlier...

smiley - smoochsmiley - hug


Post 3


Hi again - happy Sunday!

You didn't at all sound like a grump. I just realised that I'd gone in with both feet as usual; and then thought it through later - a sad failing of mine.

Will look forward to reading any possible entries in The Post.

Take care



Post 4

Skankyrich [?]

Don't worry about it. I've added you to my Friends list btw; a friend of WS's is a friend of mine smiley - winkeye


Post 5


Thank you I'll do the same smiley - hug

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