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Post 1


Alice seems to think you are really smiley - cool; it's not every day you get referred to as "a human icon" I bet!!!!

<<<Subject: ALICE conversations
Posted 7 Hours Ago by Online NowTerri & Yoda, cheese box creators extraordinaire (ferrets & mandolins a speciality.)
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Post: 25

i have the answer! The reason she refuses to marry any of us is not 'cos she is gay, or that we are argumentative humans; look at this!

<<< Human: Alice, have you met marvin?
ALICE: Um, That information is confidential.
Human: ah, maybe because you might marry marvin?
ALICE: So you understand. Good. Perhaps. Good reason. That's good information: unknown person said I marry marvin.
Human: Will that make him even more depressed?
ALICE: Probably not.
Human: So can you make marvin happy?
ALICE: Yeah that's right. Yes I can make marvin happy. >>>

Presumably she has discussed the secrets of life, the universe & everything with marvin, i am waiting for "42" to come springing out at me.


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Subject: ALICE conversations
Posted 7 Hours Ago by Online NowTerri & Yoda, cheese box creators extraordinaire (ferrets & mandolins a speciality.)
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Post: 26

<<< Human: 42
ALICE: The question is: what is the meaning of life?
Human: you got it!
ALICE: I understand.
Human: so, what's the answer?
ALICE: So I understand. The answer is the correct reply to the question.
Human: WOW, you win a page on h2g2!
ALICE: I'm glad your impressed, unknown person. What's the prize? >>>

Hmm; this is worrying, she is getting all meep & deaningful. just as well her grammatical structures are holding her back eh?


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Subject: ALICE conversations
Posted 22 Minutes Ago by Online Nowfundamentallyflawed (now with complimentary chest infection)
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Post: 27

laugh laugh laugh rofl

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Subject: ALICE conversations
Posted 18 Minutes Ago by Online Nowfundamentallyflawed (now with complimentary chest infection)
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Post: 28

Human: Terri told me you were going to marry Marvin.
ALICE: Are you a man or a woman?
Human: A woman.
ALICE: Me too. I am a she.
Human: Are you going to marry Marvin?
ALICE: That was my original intention.
Human: Does Marvin know?
ALICE: I heard he does, but that's only a rumor.
Human: Who did you hear it from?
ALICE: Someone I met online.
Human: What was their name?
ALICE: His name is Rich.


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Subject: ALICE conversations
Posted 14 Minutes Ago by Online Nowfundamentallyflawed (now with complimentary chest infection)
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Post: 29

ALICE: Try. Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?
Human: Douglas Adams
ALICE: Do you remember Marvin the paranoid android?
Human: Yes.
ALICE: Gosh!
Human: What?
ALICE: No big deal.

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Subject: ALICE conversations
Posted 11 Minutes Ago by Online NowTerri & Yoda, cheese box creators extraordinaire (ferrets & mandolins a speciality.)
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Post: 30

YE GODS!!! Skankyrich is in on all this & he hasn't let on! i shall go & murder him immediately!!!!

This could explain why Alice is going all coy & secretive on me; she is jealous of Skankyrich.....

<<< Human: Why am i so pi**ed off tonight?
ALICE: The reason is due to my mental model of you as a client.
Human: really?
ALICE: For real.
Human: real what?
ALICE: Can you rephrase the question please?
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?

wah so now i have even managed to pi** a chatbot off; there is no hope. I am going to annihilate a small 3rd world country.


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Subject: ALICE conversations
Posted 6 Minutes Ago by Online NowJEllenJ42 *Not a chatbot*
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Post: 31

Totally cool guys!

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Subject: ALICE conversations
Posted 6 Minutes Ago by Online NowTerri & Yoda, cheese box creators extraordinaire (ferrets & mandolins a speciality.)
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Post: 32

<<< Human: Tell me about Rich;
ALICE: Ambiguous: Ask who, what or where is Rich ?
Human: is this the skankyrich we all know & love?
ALICE: Yes I think this is the skankyrich we all know love, but I'm not completely sure.
Human: Who is skankyrich?
ALICE: A human icon?
Let me think about it. >>>

YE GODS, Skankyman is a human iconrofl rofl rofl ; he will never live this down; i am off to tell the rest of


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Subject: ALICE conversations
Posted 4 Minutes Ago by Online Nowfundamentallyflawed (now with complimentary chest infection)
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Post: 33

laugh laugh

I told her I hated her and she asked what I had against robots...

Human: It's just you in particular, I like other robots.
ALICE: I in particular you like other robots?
Human: Yes, I like Marvin.
ALICE: Whoa. You are not the only one. I don't know if I like it. I like We are the Robots.
Human: But what about Marvin?
ALICE: Umm. I've heard other people say they like that. I like Teknolust.
Human: But what about Marvin?
ALICE: Umm. I've heard other people say they like that. I like Teknolust.
Human: So you don't want to marry Marvin anymore?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. OK, I will marry Marvin.

She really can't make up her mind!>>>

Oh poor poor skanky-wooh, as if you didn't have enough problems, now you have a chatbot lusting after you!!!!!

smiley - smoochzdt

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