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Guitar Songs For Beginners

Post 1


Just had a look at A3856683. You have reinvented Italian tablature, which had the bass string on top (mirroring physical appearance). This was the first type of tab used for lute music around the year 1500; unfortunately all modern tablature puts the highest-pitched string on top, so your entry will teach readers a notation with no future. To add to their confusion you read right to left; nothing wrong with that, except that everyone else's tab goes the other way.

Also, you are confusing me by using i m a for the fingers of the left hand; these are normally reserved for the right hand fingers in classical guitar. Furthermore your m sometimes becomes s, for 'second' finger. This reaches crisis point in your chord of F which uses m and s on different strings. Help!

My son is teaching himself songs on the guitar and he finds the hits of Hank Williams a good starting point.

Guitar Songs For Beginners

Post 2

Skankyrich [?]

To be honest, this is unlikely to ever get finished. It's been hanging around for over seven months now, and frankly I'vfe pretty much lost interest in it smiley - sadface It may be that I wake up one sunny Sunday morning and suddenly find I'm re-motivated on it, but realistically it will just sit on my PS in its present form.

Thanks for all your comments, though. The chord shapes were suggested by someone who was a bit of a whizz with tables, and (not being to use diagrams) it seemed the easiest way to represent the chords was an approximate physical version of the end of a guitar.

Cheers for commenting, but as I say, this is unlikely to go much further smiley - ok

smiley - stout

Guitar Songs For Beginners

Post 3


Ah. Diagrams done by a committee often have this problem. Other hootoo entries use similar tables for tablature; you have re-invented the wheel. But well done anyway!

I won't promise to rework the entry myself; too much RL at the moment.

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