This is the Message Centre for Skankyrich [?]

Oke bit of Devon entry

Post 1


Hi Skanky,

Just thought I'd pop in to say I haven't forgotten about my promise to write the Oke bit of the Devon entry. My excuse though is this...

I moved house last week, and quite literally have just go round to digging my laptop out of a bag inside a box under another 3 boxes all labelled "computer stuff". I only really got online today because a bit of very urgent online banking needed to get done (or HMC&E would come knocking), but I thought I just had time to let you know what's going on. I'll try to catch-up properly in the next few days.

If I'm holding things up at all, I don't mind if anyone want's to summarise my Oke entry. Otherwise, I'm happy to do this bit as promised. Put as much or as little pressure on as you feel is necessary. (I'll wish I hadn't said that now!)smiley - biggrin


Oke bit of Devon entry

Post 2

Skankyrich [?]

No, it's ok Paff; the entry is far from finished (I've been quite busy with other bits of the site - mainly clearing our Peer Review) so there's plenty of time smiley - smiley

You're not getting out of it that easily smiley - laugh

Seriously, there's no pressure. If it gets to a point in a few weeks where this is the bit I'm waiting for, I'll happily paraphrase, but for now there's no rush whatsoever. You'd expect that from a Devon entry, though, eh? smiley - winkeye

Oke bit of Devon entry

Post 3


OK then. I'll get it done dreckly. smiley - winkeye

Oke bit of Devon entry

Post 4

Skankyrich [?]

smiley - laugh Thanks Paff!

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