This is the Message Centre for Johnny Carwash


Post 1


you are a busy little bugger now aren't you?!!?? smiley - winkeye
must say if nothing else i have not been bored as of yet on your page smiley - smiley
you did however forget to add "useless warnings on purchased items" such as hairdryers...."do not use while showering", or, "do not use while sleeping" smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish


Post 2


btw....where did you ever come up with the name johnney carwash???
not that it is bad but it is different smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish


Post 3


I really searched for Dead Supermodels like you said to on my guestbook entry. I'm shocked and amazed. smiley - smiley


Post 4

Johnny Carwash

In explaination....first off, my nickname. Johnny Carwash is the nickname I was given in high school. (I'm sure it isn't called high school in Britian, so it would be similar the schooling recieved from the time you are 14 until you are 18.) I actually recieved it on my first day of school. NO ONE, except maybe God, knows why I got this name. Johnny is, of course, in reference to my first name. However, where Carwash came from is anyone's guess. However, other than Christ, how many people do you know called "The Big J.C."
Secondly, it is true that I am the only reseacher who can be currently reach by seaching for the words "dead supermodels." "Large intestinal parasites" works equally well.


Post 5


well, now we know "the rest of the story" smiley - winkeye
as for finding you through odd searches, i am sure there is someone else out there though don't quote me on this one smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

Jonny Carwash?

Post 6


I always thought that that was an interesting nickname, but another question why was it passed down the youngest son of your parents when he began his freshman year? Weird. Anyways, if ya'll want to You can visit my website, Well gotta jam for a while.

Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Jello Puddin Snax!

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