This is the Message Centre for Crazy_Gal


Post 1


ok, so it is me smiley - smiley i guess i am the one who is pitiful enough to visit your page but what can i say....i was curious and must say the questions you post down there are quite thought provoking to say the least smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish


Post 2


oh yes...well i was bored when i wrote those questions...hehehe...where did you pick up the name monsy?


Post 3


actually it started out as monshari which was a nickname i was given in school (sharil is my real name) and then my dear hubby started calling me monsy around the house and when i wandered into h2g2 vegiman suddenly started calling me monsy too so i guess it kind of stuck smiley - winkeye
how about you? yours is quite unique, how did you decide on it? smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish


Post 4


well...ieveryone's always calling me crazy so that's how i got the first part...i am a girl but saying crazy_girl is no fun, so i changed it to gal. and i used the _ to seperate the two words cuz crazy_gal i think looks better than crazygal. so thats how i got it.


Post 5


well, that works for me smiley - smiley
so the question now is.....why do they call you crazy?? smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish


Post 6


crazy??? hmmmn...all i know is that when i do what i do everyone stares at me and gives me an odd look. smiley - winkeye


Post 7


and what is it exactly that you do?? smiley - smiley
p.s. sorry it took so long to get back over here but it has been a bit nuts around here and sadly your posting got lost in the shuffle smiley - sadface
monsy smiley - fish


Post 8


I don't know what i do. i just be me. i am just naturally odd! or so i appear. i don't know exactly what "odd" is because i am not the one who defines it. i suppose odd is out of the ordinary but then, everything in this world is out of the ordinary... in fact, there is no ordinary so i, while being odd am perfectly normal!


Post 9


i take it that it is something like sanity and insanity.....
we are the sane ones it is everyone else who is insane....
meaning, you are not odd everyone else is smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish


Post 10


no, actually. what i mean is that everone is insane in thier own way. so if everyone is insane, then it must be normal to be insane and not normal to be sane. it is thought to be odd to be insane but then that would make everyone odd except the sane. but since there is no sane, being sane would be out of the ordinary and therefore odd.

but your theory works too. smiley - smiley


Post 11


i think i followed that but must now go take a tylenol for the headache smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish


Post 12


i find i do that to many ppl. some try so hard to understand me but it only ends up in one huge headache.


Post 13


*returns from her tylenol induced coma*
ahhh!!! the headache is gone and everything is so clear to me now smiley - smiley
we are the majority and the minority needs us to keep life interesting smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish


Post 14


would i be the majority or the minority? i'll answer that for you... in my perspective it is the minority that need to keep the majority entertained. so i seem to fall under the minority in that definition. however i like the sound of being apart of a group bigger than i'll accept being apart of the majority. smiley - smiley


Post 15


*wanders back in with a rather large bottle of tylenol and a diet 7up mumbling something about facts,figures,reports and taxes being the work of the devil*
as for minority or majority, being as i live in gardendale alabama i prefer to be in the would have to know the surroundings to understand smiley - winkeye
being part of the minority we tend to give the majority quite a bit to talk about......
*wanders around a bit more looking for a quite corner to curl up in*
monsy smiley - fish


Post 16


you can come join me in my corner. its nice and cozy. we have nice music and cocoa to drink and books to read and there is a lovely fire going (don't worry, it's in a fire place, the curtains are not blazing) and there is everything nice and good around that can possibly be imagined


Post 17


sounds great smiley - smiley i might just have to do that smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish


Post 18


tis a shame it isnt real. i wonder what life would be like if it were.


Post 19


it would probably be a lot less stressful and people would probably be a lot nicer all in all smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish


Post 20


yes that sounds about right

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