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Just peeking

Post 1


Wondered if you'd returned as yet. smiley - winkeye


Just peeking

Post 2


Not very pleasant to me, no no no.
I remember kats-eyes´s mail presenting this h2g2-site to me. She knew very well that it would mean a funny toy to me.
Unfortunately meanwhile there´s no time any more, rather any less smiley - winkeye
My "usual" bilingual homepage will be proceeded within the next weeks AND will move, so please expect at least an uptdated link in January.....
Findus´s h2g2 future can be discussed here.
Folks, tell me your expectations.....

smiley - fishFindus

Just peeking

Post 3


Just peeking

Post 4


Not very pleasant? Hmmm?

Just peeking

Post 5


Not at all....

Just peeking

Post 6


Sorry to hear that.. What isn't very pleasant?

Just peeking

Post 7


Well, it´s not pleasant to have less time than you need to use and enjoy h2g2 in an acceptable way. It´s great fun but I must reduce access time due to my job. On the other hand there are higher priorities in my life.
I think I will be able to build up a logical line with it and you´ll hear again a lot of me in the next spring time smiley - winkeye
First there will be the move of my HP and its update, followed and accompanied by some offline focussed creativeness.
My day should have 48 hours instead of only 36..smiley - winkeye


Just peeking

Post 8


Personally I think we should do away with clocks completely. smiley - winkeye

'Nonniesmiley - rose


Post 9


Never heard of that word...
what´s a "clock" ?


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