This is the Message Centre for giantgentlebear

This is just to say.....

Post 1


I've been reading a selection of your work from your portfolio and review and I wanted to say I thought your work is really remarkably thought provoking and in many cases very touching. Your incredibly large body of work is enviable to must have such a store of inspiration and motivation! You tell stories wonderfully and it's a credit to your poetry that I always want to read another after I've finished one...addictive reading obviously! Keep writing...story telling and most of keep inspiring this writing community with your words. You are an asset to get writing and to your readers like me. smiley - schooloffishsmiley - bluebutterfly

This is just to say.....

Post 2


strange but lost bit of heart lately, but sure is only temp..
thanks for your very kind words,
thanks ggbxxx

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