This is the Message Centre for giantgentlebear

Hello Mr Bear

Post 1


Hope you are well and happy.
Hope you are feeling chatty
Hope all your fears fade away
So we can talk another day.
I'm sat here with my coffee cup
Watching my little Molly pup
As she fights with her little toys
And makes a silly growling noise
Will write to you all the time
And mither you (if you don't mind)
smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - winkeye

Hello Mr Bear

Post 2


always pleasure tracy .
off to the dread of work ,
catch up later.
ggb xx

Hello Mr Bear

Post 3


thanks for reading smiley - blushmy poem ggb.

Hello Mr Bear

Post 4


i enjoyed it so thank you
ggbxxsmiley - cool

Hello Mr Bear

Post 5


right work over for few precious hours,
hope your ok.
thanks for your poem what breed molly pup.
mither away tracy.
ggbxxsmiley - biggrinsmiley - hugsmiley - cheerup

Hello Mr Bear

Post 6


sorry what???? didn't get that last comment about brred, pup something??smiley - erm

Hello Mr Bear

Post 7


sorry i sent wrong message to you.
meant to go elsewhere.
breed of puppy.
wrong posting sorry.smiley - ok

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