This is the Message Centre for giantgentlebear

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Post 1


what's the matter, Giantgentlebear, is there a storm tonight? can i ofter shelter? you keep leaving me. it's cold outside. it brings tears to my eyes. maybe your having a rest inside your cave with your powerful claws covering your eyes. tell me. thinking of you, scarletdancer. smiley - sadface

No Subject

Post 2


no storm gentle scarlet.
just very tired, crept into straw bed ooops fast asleep.
claws only powerful in there gentle curl.
you always offer me shelter,
got up forgot clocks gone backin time.
sorry if caused you distress,
how are the unicorns.
please dont be sad it will freeze my heart
smiley - smoochsending kiss on first star you see tonight,smiley - kiss

you're the first star

Post 3


as long as our time never turns back, Giantgentlebear. the unicorns are lookink after me very caringly. sometimes they have their work cut out for them. i kiss your first star,too, tonight, Giantgentlebear. i hope it keeps you warm and content. you inspired a poem in me while you were away. it was posted today. warm regards, scarletdancer. smiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - loveblush

you're the first star

Post 4


may have read it, beautiful.
unicorns used to hard work,
keep them fed on dreams
i blow rainbow of kiss's back.
bear will be warm tonight.smiley - loveblushsmiley - smoochsmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

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