This is the Message Centre for giantgentlebear

bear day blues

Post 1


dogs sulky,
weathers grey.
peter pan wont come and crow,
what to do.
what to do.

bear day blues

Post 2


Hi GGB.smiley - biggrin

Draw the curtains and shut out all that grey. Turn on bright light, listen to something cheerful. Give the dogs a sausage sandwich and have one yourself! Then get writingsmiley - magic

bear day blues

Post 3


can i cheer you up, Giantgentlebear? smiley - smoochit's not much, but hopfully it helps. did you get my last post to you, awhile ago? thanks for your kind words about my last poem you read. love, scarletdancersmiley - cheerupsmiley - loveblushsmiley - kiss

bear day blues

Post 4


guess sometimes all this emotion in writing
drains the heart,
you always cheer me up.smiley - kisssmiley - loveblushsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - magic

bear day blues

Post 5


sausage sarnys,
feeling better already.smiley - magic

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