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tom for all soldiers mums

Post 1


any body else think tom waits song off album real gone,
beautiful, song called
day after tommoro,
if not heard it do your soul favour listen to it, plus can also light match off cover,

tom for all soldiers mums

Post 2


sorry never heard of it........
smiley - biggrin
have some moresmiley - cake

tom for all soldiers mums

Post 3


Not a real Tom Waits fan but the other half is and I am sure he will have this one somewhere in his collection. So I'm off to ask and to do my soul a favour, it could certainly do with one! smiley - smiley

tom for all soldiers mums

Post 4


its on new album real gone,

tom for all soldiers mums

Post 5


well then better have cake,
half slice or other half slice
hello little gsmiley - biggrin

tom for all soldiers mums

Post 6


So I discovered - which led to me being turned away from the computer so he could go online and read the reviews! Great smiley - winkeye

tom for all soldiers mums

Post 7


sorry but do listen to that one song,
smiley - ermsmiley - wahsmiley - smiley

tom for all soldiers mums

Post 8


Hi GGBsmiley - smiley

I don't have any Tom Waits albums. Perhaps you could give me some of the words?


tom for all soldiers mums

Post 9


just not same written down but the album is on review on computer, song day after tomorrow hope you get this got sprites in system ,smiley - biggrin

tom for all soldiers mums

Post 10

Fari B

dont understand the alst line but do love tom waits if Im in the mood for it (weren't he great in Bram SToker's?) . Otherwise, tried rufus wainright?

tom for all soldiers mums

Post 11


never tried rufus but will take alisten got nick cave playing at moment while nurseing jacky daniels back to health, smiley - smiley

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