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Stupid Bank tricks

Post 1


A bit of a rant here... In the last six months I have had the misfortune of being the recipient of two banking screwups. Neither of which were directly caused by me or the humorless tellers at my local branch. First, I recieved someone elses invalid check.My account was charged the fee to retun this item,and my account was charged the dollar amount of that persons check. After two phone calls and two trips to my bank I have yet to recieve any credit and nobody knows anything about the whole incident.
Second was today. Since the mega bucks industry known as "banking" can no longer afford to send cancelled checks back to the account holder you must request copies from microfiche to be sent to you via snailmail. I had a run in with another well-run industry who would not accept their own reciept as proof of payment and demanded a copy of the check I originally used to pay them.
I recieved a copy of someone elses check. Strangely enough, it was not the same person whos returned check I recieved months ago. I would have thought that fitting.
Forty five minutes of my day spent verbally prodding a humorless bank employee to get on the telephone and make things right may or may not have resulted in correcting this error. I requested yet another copy of the check just in case...
Fourteen years with the same bank and nothing bad ever happened untill they became absorbed by the vast largeness of another mega giant faceless banking, company.

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Stupid Bank tricks

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